Italian charnel house

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The military memorial on The Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic, which is the only ossuary of fallen Italian soldiers in Slovenia, was opened in 1938 by Benito Mussolini.

A road, along which the Stations of the Cross are placed, leads to the Italian ossuary (309 m), which is built on Gradič nad Kobaridom, next to the Church of St. Anthony. It was built in the shape of an octagon with three concentric circles, which become narrower towards Church. The latter was built before the placement of the ossuary, in the 17th century.

An Honour to All of You Who Fell in The Brave Fight

The remains of 7,014 known and unknown fallen Italian soldiers who fought in the Soča Valley during World War I were moved to the ossuary. Next to the ossuary are memorials, which were originally placed in the Bovec military cemetery and were afterwards transferred to Kobarid.

In addition to the ossuary there is a private museum collection Kobarid during the Great War 1917.

Italian Ossuary Kobarid – ACCESS TO THE OSSUARY

You may head to the ossuary on foot (15 – 20 min). The ossuary can also be accessed by car.

Kobarid, Italijanska kostnica


Italian charnel house - INFORMATION AND GUIDED TOURS

Informacijski center Pot miru, Kobarid
The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, Kobarid
Gregorčičeva 8, 5222 Kobarid

T: +386 (0)5 389 01 67
M: +386 (0)31 586 296

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